Thursday, September 30, 2021
Filming Blog
5minutes in to the recording process and I was already behind with the recording process. The location I initially chose was the stairs at building 17, which was available so that was a plus . We just wanted to time how long it would take starting from the 2nd set of stairs and the 3rd. Sadly I ran into a spider web on the way there, so I was a little shook before recording . It was kind of frustrating seeing that we went Over our desired time for each section of video. Now of course majority of our time was trying to figure out how to fit everything in for 6 seconds each, but we eventually found a detour. There was also a couple people staring as we went over our plans, and I’m not going to lie I got a little nervous. We spent a good 2-minutes trying not to laugh at how awkward it was recording in front of them. Noticing that time was being wasted we got Over it and got right into recording, we did have to ignore a few curious looks glances though. Finally after several takes we finally got the couple of seconds recorded and I can honestly say it’s coming among nicely. We did have to re do so stands do that it could flow more easily into our “vision” Part in the video. We took some time find videos for that portion but it seemed to be taking long, so we decided to film the part after it. I remember feeling so tired, having to walk up and and down those stairs, trying to match pace and remember our lines. But gladly, unlike the first part we didn’t have to constantly redo it. It was done swiftly and easily, only issue is that the heat started to kick in. We didn’t have slot of time to finish our commercial that day, which is okay since we didn’t have ALL of our supplies that day. We did get 50% of recording done which is progress since we couldn’t start as early as everyone else. Walking back to class I did notice a few of my other classmate in the middle of their plannings and recording. I did get some ideas to start filming from different angels to make it feel more realistic. I’m definitely going to keep that in mind when me and the girls meet up to film again, and hopefully it’s not as a hot.
Monday, September 27, 2021
group blog
There are 2 people that I'm working with in my group blog, Keanna and Macaria. I plan on working with them to get the work done in both an efficient and creative way. I chose people that I'm used to and comfortable with because I didn't want the project process to be awkward. We didn’t come together at the same time, I’m the mutual between the 2 so I just promised to work with both.I'm not as social so choosing people that I've wrked with before and know, would be best for me. But I also made sure that they weren't lazy and that we would get the job done without one person doing all the work or without any distractions. knowing me if I chose really talkative people, I most likley wouldn't have had anytime to finish or understand the assignment. I've known macaria for a couple years now and she can be very creative sometimes, which made her a great asset to this project. although she may be quiet it just assures me that we won't really be sidetracked when it comes our project. I've had experience with working with macaria and the end results were really good, the experience that we've had and our friendship mostly motivated me to choose her. When it comes to the other member of our group, Keanna, I've known her for a while and she's also creative. Like me and Macaria she is very quiet and not as social and talkative , which in the end benefits us in this project. Keanna is well focused I know distractions won't be an issue when it comes to us. we all have a similar mind space so making a choice on what our project will be on and how it will be executed , won't be an issue either. I made sure that everyone I work with would be able to stay on track. and depending on how this project turns out i might work with them again. We're all good friends and hard workers so there wont be any issues regarding our group work and end results.
Story board
First Box: Loudui and Macaria are walking down the stairs having a normal conversation.
Second Box: While they are conversing Macaria touches the stair railing and gets a vision about how germs could be on the railing.
Third Box: Macaria starts freaking out and tells Loudui how much germs could be on her hand from touching the railing. and with the current situation at hand, (covid) this is very serious
Fourth Box: Loudui takes out Purell hand sanitizer and tells her Purell removes 99.9% of germs.
Fifth Box: Macaria Has another vision of the Purell killing all the germs. As there's a montage of the germs decreasing.
Friday, September 24, 2021
Research Blog
Our group is doing a Purell hand sanitizer commercial. In these commercials, the audience is usually persuaded to use hand sanitizer to help prevent illness and the spread of germs.
In most Hand sanitizer commercials, They wear comfortable and casual attire because they're trying to replicate everyday life.
The props that are used are usually anything that can carry a lot of germs on them for example, a door handle, airplane, shopping cart, cell phone, table, etc.
There is usually a variety of appearances that are demonstrated in the commercials. Showing different types of people including, adults and children in different scenarios, shows how beneficial the product can be for a large amount of people.
The setting in the commercials are in common places that most people go to without realizing how many germs are there.
The pace of the commercials are usually slow paced so the audience can comprehend the importance of hand sanitizer and how it works.
In some commercials, they edit cartoon germs onto surfaces because even though germs aren't visible to the human eye, it's important to remember that they're still there.
Planning blog
For our groups hand sanitizer commercial our main prop is Hand sanitizer.
CostumesIn our commercial, Two of our group members(actors) will be in regular school clothes.
9/23/21, Researching hand sanitizers. Establishing props, costumes, schedule location list, and backup plan.
9/27/21 & 9/29/21 Create storyboard.
10/1/21 & 10/5/21, Filming.
10/7/21 & 10/11/21, Editing.
Locational List
Our main location is the building 17 staircase, and we will also record our actors walking towards the building.
Backup plan
If the building 17 staircase is occupied then we will either use the building 21 staircase or the media center stairs.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Intro blog
Hi my name is loudui and I'm 16 years old and sophomore at Fort Lauderdale high school. I've been in the schools AICE program for a while and I'm really surprised by what's provided and how. Not to long ago school started and although I have few new things added to my schedule, my schedule has stayed predominantly the same. my schedule is pretty simple it consists of (now) school, dance practice, personal time and my favorite of them all...SLEEP. During my personal time I like to watch movies and the making of movies and sometimes I film myself as if I'm in one myself. I've recently grown a strong likeness towards the process of films and the different components that go into it. I'm not really as social and when I find something I'm I interested I become very fixated and determined to know more. And with me having a schedule that not as busy and and an overall boring life I spend a lot of time on my hobbies. My hobbies are the same as the things I do on my free time, but mostly reading and watching film makings. My first instinct when I found out I had this class was 'theatre', and although there's nothing wrong with it, in was fond of the class chosen for me. Not really knowing much about what would happen in this class I instantly wanted to switch out; now I'm happy I didn't. I was thrilled to know that we would be filming and learning more about what is done in film and also how its done . I'm ready and excited to get better a understanding and experience with this course this year. I'm really glad that AICE offers this class and bright futures, because it may impact my career choices further on in my life.
‘Domino affect’ in action!!
(Re-upload) Well today we finished up everything and wrapped up our video. I truly enjoyed working on this project and researching the di...

"A Group of girls make a bad decision which lands them in a interrogation room" It would be interested in making this film becaus...
Common Camera Angles in Drama Films? -A close up is used to emphasize the expression on a persons face or to make it clear that the object...
Hey blog, recently I was supposed to start filming along with my partner but their were some complications along the way. I haven’t been fee...