Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Planning Blog

 Song Title, artist: 

-Material Girl, Saucy Santana


-We are going to have fake money since the video is going to have an expensive vibe.

-Jewelry like necklaces and earrings.

-Shopping bags, mostly because the majority of the video will be filmed in a mall.


For costumes we are going to have casual clothing because it's a shopping trip and you wouldn't really want to wear fancy clothing while you're walking through the mall for a long time. We are going to be wearing jewelry so that we don't look too casual.

Location list:

Our main location is going to be in a mall. It's basically going to be walking in and out of different stores with shopping bags. 

Our second location will be in a hotel room, this is where it will show one of the actors walking into the hotel and getting their makeup done.

Another one is more like scenery and not really at a specific place.

Backup plan:

If we were to need another location because one of the other locations didn't work then we would go to another mall and do everything we would've done.

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