Hey everyone I’m Loudui, and I’m 16year old AICE student at Fort Lauderdale high school. I have a somewhat balanced schedule of Flag, school and of course my favorite, SLEEP. Flag has been my main hobby and after school activity this school year. But Recently I’ve been finding myself adding new things to my schedule, mainly media related. Being that I already like watching movies, I’ve started noticing some of the things I’ve learned this year in these movies. It’s come to the point where I watch a movie and can automatically call out which angle is being used or which type of sound was playing . And I’m shockingly enjoy this as it is typically a new part of my free time activities. All this Has cause me to become really excited to finally work on my final task. The main thing I’m looking forward to is probably seeing how it’ll turn out after my practice on the last to assignments. This year was my first year doing anything close to ‘filming’ alongside its learning key vocabulary on it. This is my 2nd year in my schools Cambridge program and my first year in AICE-media. I’ve excelled tremendously over the time span of being in this class and can’t wait to utilize what I’ve learned in my final task. There’s so many things I’ve learned this year regarding camera angles and shots, editing etc. being that this final task is supposed to be an introduction to a movie (2mins) I’m kind of curious on how it’s going to go. I’ve learned, used, and written about these terms so far so prolonging my use of them for this task is going to be a challenge I’m ready for. I look forward to possibly leaning new things when doing this task. The thought of learning new phrases, terms and constructing it all together for a movie intro, has me way over ecstatic and I’m here for it.
Monday, January 31, 2022
Group Blog: the Iconic Duo
Hi blog, this is usually the time where we pick our groups again for our next project, and guess who my partner is…….KEANAH!! So far we’ve had experience with working together and it’s been great. I personally feel like we’ve grown in our project capabilities while working as a team for past assignments. I was thinking about partnering up with different peopel this time around but thought against it. Although it would have been nice to work with a different person and gain a different experience, I decided not to. I chose sticking in my comfort zone especially since this is a big project and I share similar ideas with my chosen partner. With the experience we both have with working with each in this class I found it a smart decision to stick together. Both in and out of this class we’ve reached succession so I only have high hopes when I working alongside my friend . Like last time, I didn’t have much time to find new partners and I didn’t want to waste time. Groups were already forming up so I seen the opportunity of sticking with my friend and took it. Why not give it a go especially with us working so well together before and making good progress . Distractions aren’t an issue which is something I would usually consider when choosing to work in group with anyone. I also can meet with her outside of school which majorly important for our filming process. My last project went really when I worked with her and gained lots of understanding. I plan on working with her (keannah) to get the work done in both an efficient and creative way. We’re good as partners and that will definitely benefit us in the projects long run.
‘Domino affect’ in action!!
(Re-upload) Well today we finished up everything and wrapped up our video. I truly enjoyed working on this project and researching the di...

"A Group of girls make a bad decision which lands them in a interrogation room" It would be interested in making this film becaus...
Common Camera Angles in Drama Films? -A close up is used to emphasize the expression on a persons face or to make it clear that the object...
Hey blog, recently I was supposed to start filming along with my partner but their were some complications along the way. I haven’t been fee...