Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Genre conventions: action-adventure


  • Common Camera Angles in action Action Films?  Usually there’s an establishing shot to basically set the tone and setting of where the adventure is going to take place — lots of close ups shots, to dramatize and put emphasis on what is going in the film. Mainly grabbing  the audiences attention and adding more attention to what’s happening — there’s always some point of view shots, in moments where something exciting or in action is happening, giving the audience the feel that they’re actually their experiencing it since it’s a view from what the character is seeing. — 

  • Common Mis-en-Scene in Action Films? 
Bright, Bold saturated lighting along with it sometimes being dark toned, greyish on intense fight scenes. props usually containing weapons like guns and/or knives. Setting is usually in urban well known area’s, mostly to attract out attention and appease to the vibes of what’s going on. Makeup usually containing lots of blood to represent the danger presented along with any cuts . 
  • Common Editing in ActionFilms?
Cutaways are highly used as in interruption to divert our attention to a different thing going on within a scene. Action math also being used to give a different perspective of what’s going on within an action scene for example in chases or fights
  • Common sound in Action Film? 
Diegetic sound along with incidental music are used to intensify the mood, typically in fight scenes and/or as a way to build up suspense in serious situations in any action scene. The dialogue in itself sometimes has vulgar language and lots of loud talking and screaming 
  • Example of Films in Action ?
-Central intelligence -Set It Off -Mulan (2020 remake) -Avengers endgame -Black panther
  • What elements in Adventure that you like, and you would use? 

High pace movement along with cameras following all the movements swiftly. Having many physical moments and intense emotion throughout it all.
  • What elements In adventure  do not appeal you, and you would stay away from?
The amount of violence they usually contain and how the camera angles usually appeal to intensifying every detail of the violent notions 

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