Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Genre conventions : Drama


  • Common Camera Angles in Drama Films?
-A close up is used to emphasize the expression on a persons face or to make it clear that the object is important.
-A long shot is used to show the person/object in a scene with the surroundings
-A birds eye or high angle shot is shot from above or at a higher angle than the object/character. These are typically used to gain perspective or to imply that the character/object is of lesser meaning than something else.
-Medium shots can have the setting in the background but the main focus will be on the character in shot, so the background tends to be blurred out to bring all the audiences attentions to the main character and their emotions in the

  •Common Mis-en-Scene in Drama Films?

-Costumes in a drama are supposed to represent the character and their personality. An antagonist may wear dark clothing to portray dark intentions.
-High Key Lighting Everything looks bright with little to no shadow at all. High-key lighting has little dramatic effect, and it is often used in a scene with no tension or to attach positive and uplifting connotations to a character or situation. 
-In a teen drama, they would use drugs, alcohol, etc.
-usually located in schools or high populated places.

  • Common Editing in Drama Films?

-slow-mo to give this seems more Dimension 
-Split screens to show conversations

  • Common sound in Drama Film?

-Non-diagenetic: emotional score music
-Digenetic dialogue
-Non-diagenetic: Voiceover of Protagonist 

  • Example of Films in drama?
Stomp the yard (2007)
The greatest showman (2017)
Parasite (2019)
  • What elements Drama that you like, and you would use? 

like how it’s always interesting and keeps you at the edge of your seat.

  • What elements Drama do not appeal you, and you would stay away from?
don’t really like how this genre is very vague.

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