Monday, November 29, 2021
Production blog: filming day on our trip!!
Hey blog, so a while ago I went on a trip to Orlando and I deciders it would be a great idea to start filming. My friends and I went to the Florida mall on That weekend and got about 60% of the filming done. The plan was to finish filing all of it since it was a 3-day trip, but there were a few inconveniences that came up. Originally me and my roommates were going to film my hotel scenes, but since my phone broke and we had a busy first few days we only got many clips. When I got the mall I kinda forgot to film the first walk-in since we were really excited. After a while I did start filming, starting off at perfumania, a perfume store. We, the MATERIAL GIRLS, (our new names for this project) got kind of an over the shoulder, to side angle of the clip. It was recorded while I was talking to the clerk, picking out a perfume so there was only 1 take of that shot. I did go to this expensive jewelry store, Although I wasn’t planning n buying anything I did get a few good shots of me and my material girls looking around. I got my project partner to record, and get a few different angles of us in there so that we’d have options to choose from when editing. We didn’t really spend much times until there since we were only really there to film and it empty o the recording process was easy and not awkward. After a while we did get bored and just walked around the mall, and of course had to get a few shots of that to. I think my favorite part about filming at the mall was being able to record at selfie world. We took the opportunity of the different backgrounds and sets as ways new filming spots. Example being the pink sitting area with a phone which gave off such a bounce vibe to the video. The sittting booth which was also PINK, with stools gave a classy look which I believe were going to use a replacement scene just in case. Can’t forget the fake money, I had so much fun recording that scene, even tho we had a bit of difficulty covering the logo on our fellow material girls jacket. Speaking of logos, that was a bit of an issue for us which caused us to have to refilm and/or throw away sum of our scenes. In the end we kind of got it to work and overall it was fun to record. The experience of juggling our schedule before adding filming and trying to squeeze it in to make it work, will definitely be worth it In the end!
Second Box: skimp collage of our material girls doing Carly things. walking down hallways, buying things, taking pictures, etc.
Third Box: one of our material girls sitting in her chair gossiping on the phone
Fourth Box: cutaway to jewelry and back to a different material girl gossiping while doing another’s makeup
Fifth Box: repeat of box 3&4 with the lyrics being said as a dialogue
Sixth Box: over the shoulder of one of our material girls rejecting a boy
Seventh Box: fade in on the clip with a waterfall and surrounding areas
Eighth Box: tracking shot of the material girls walking around the mall boasting their things
Nineth Box: a clip of one of our material girl spreading money (fake) to show off her luxury
Tenth Box: clip of the girls going out eat, possibly a wide shot
Eleventh Box: just a medium close up shot of our material girls (actresses) lip syncing the lyrics
Twelveth Box: just a fun shot of our material girls having fun at an amusement park
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Planning Blog
Song Title, artist:
-Material Girl, Saucy Santana
-We are going to have fake money since the video is going to have an expensive vibe.
-Jewelry like necklaces and earrings.
-Shopping bags, mostly because the majority of the video will be filmed in a mall.
For costumes we are going to have casual clothing because it's a shopping trip and you wouldn't really want to wear fancy clothing while you're walking through the mall for a long time. We are going to be wearing jewelry so that we don't look too casual.
Location list:
Our main location is going to be in a mall. It's basically going to be walking in and out of different stores with shopping bags.
Our second location will be in a hotel room, this is where it will show one of the actors walking into the hotel and getting their makeup done.
Another one is more like scenery and not really at a specific place.
Backup plan:
If we were to need another location because one of the other locations didn't work then we would go to another mall and do everything we would've done.
Friday, November 12, 2021
Research blog
For our Music Video My group has decided that Material Girl by Santana would be our song. Our theme of the whole music video is going to be bougie, expensive, and meticulous.
The genre of this song is rap.
Music videos like these just give over all rich vibes. Many times including flashing lights, expensive things and everything nice.
Conventions of rap music videos:
- Cutaways, they do this a lot to relate what's going on the video to the lyrics.
- Insert zoom, they do this to emphasize what their rapping about. Mainly when they want us to focus on something specific in the song, so they use the zoom to divert our attention towards it.
- Diegetic sound, usually in the beginning of the video before the actual sound starts they'll they have conversations while the beat is going. it gives us a feel of their surroundings and what's going on within them.
- Tilt shot, to like show someone then tilt them out the frame.
- Costume in the videos there are usually nice looking clothing and shoes. Mostly a lot of designer an jewelry is included to give off this seemingly lavish lifestyle
- the use of props also help represent the rapper status and/or wealth; props may include expensive cars and excessive amounts of money.
- theres' always bright lighting, whether filmed during the night or day there's always a lot of flashing lights, mostly to add the effect of them being famous .
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Group blog
This time around my group will only consist of me and a friend of mines named keannah. I probably would have partnered up with my other previous partner also, buts she was preoccupied. I initially planned on trying to work with other people, just for experience. But with the experience we both have with working with each both in and out of this class me and keannah are bound to succeed. And when I really thought about it I didn’t have much time to find good new partners and I didn’t want to waste time. Me and keannah both were available at the time of picking our groups, so why not give it a go especially with us working well together before. Although the last didn’t come out the best, we did work really well on our last assignment together. I plan on working with her (keannah) to get the work done in both an efficient and creative way. I chose her not only cause she was available at the time but because I'm used to working with her. I wanted somebody I was somewhat comfortable with because I didn't want the project process to feel weird or awkward. I'm still not as social as I’d like to be, so choosing people that I've worked with before and that I know, would be the best option for me right now . But I also made sure that my choice wasn’t a careless, lackadaisical person. It’s hard having to remind myself of assignments that need to be dibs and how. Her not being lazy is a plus, so I Wouldn’t have to continuously remind someone else. Keannah is a bit quite, which in the end is a benefit for me, because if I chose really talkative people, I wouldn't have had anytime to finish or understand the assignment. I've known her for a while, since we do color guard together and she's a creative person. Keanna is well focused I know distractions won't be an issue when it comes to us. we all have a complementary state of mind so making a choice on our music videos execution and style won't be an issue either. I know this time our videos are going to turn out better since we’re used to how things work now.
Guess whose back!!!
Hi my name is loudui and I'm 16 years old and sophomore at Fort Lauderdale high school. I've been in the schools AICE program for a while and I'm really surprised by what's provided and how. Not to long ago school started and although I have few new things added to my schedule, my schedule has stayed predominantly the same. my schedule is pretty simple it consists of (now) school, dance practice, personal time and my favorite of them all...SLEEP. During my personal time I like to watch movies and the making of movies and sometimes I film myself as if I'm in one myself. I've recently grown a strong likeness towards the process of films and the different components that go into it. I'm not really as social and when I find something I'm I interested I become very fixated and determined to know more. And with me having a schedule that not as busy and and an overall boring life I spend a lot of time on my hobbies. My hobbies are the same as the things I do on my free time, but mostly reading and watching film makings. My first instinct when I found out I had this class was 'theatre', and although there's nothing wrong with it, in was fond of the class chosen for me. Not really knowing much about what would happen in this class I instantly wanted to switch out; now I'm happy I didn't. I was thrilled to know that we would be filming and learning more about what is done in film and also how its done . I'm ready and excited to get better a understanding and experience with this course this year. I'm really glad that AICE offers this class and bright futures, because it may impact my career choices further on in my life.
‘Domino affect’ in action!!
(Re-upload) Well today we finished up everything and wrapped up our video. I truly enjoyed working on this project and researching the di...

"A Group of girls make a bad decision which lands them in a interrogation room" It would be interested in making this film becaus...
Common Camera Angles in Drama Films? -A close up is used to emphasize the expression on a persons face or to make it clear that the object...
Hey blog, recently I was supposed to start filming along with my partner but their were some complications along the way. I haven’t been fee...