Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Editing on Free time!!! :)
Hey blog, I have a lot of free time today and thought to start editing. I’m spending time at my brothers house and have access to sim of the footage we’ve gotten done. I’m using CapCut as a way to edit my work this time around again. Since I have experience using the app for previous projects I found the process much easier. My only issue was putting the cribs together since I didn’t have everything with chronological order. So far I’m still waiting for the two other people in my phone to send in their individual part that they filmed. So far all we have is my crime scene and our group interrogation. I’m currently trying to cut my scene because it’s a minute long and it needs to only be 12 -16seconds. When I add the music in the background i’ll know whether to cut the clip or just speed it up. I had my brother feel my scene on Snapchat so as of right now everything is very choppy. I’m reviewing how to make everything flow and go smoothly. Since I already filmed I have to remind the girls that their scene has to be just as dark as mine says on my lighting is very dark to symbolize a middle of the night house invasion. I’m currently trying to fix the lighting just brighten it up a bit and make it more clear what is happening in the scene. So far I found that the music and lighting options on CapCut are limited so I how to make do with what I have. The editing process isn’t hard and who the easy then all my other experience although it’s more work. at the pace that I’m working I can’t expect to finish editing the pieces that I have by tonight.
Monday, March 28, 2022
Today we’ve chosen to go to Hagen park to film our interrogation scene. Since we all had to be here to film this part we had to find a day where we were all available. Hagan park has an area both inside and outside where we can meet in human interrogation like scene. The lighting the quiet news with minimal commotion really helpsets the tone. I was debating on whether I should come inside or outside but with the way hours he was going we settled on inside. We had to get somebody else to fill in for the third girl due to her not being able to make it nor film. I had keanna film the interrogation scene a couple times in order to make things work. Each time somebody would either be laughing not paying attention or just forgetting their lines. Decided to give ourselves times to go over our lines so that we could get it correct. I did make the executive decision to not film our booking scene since we didn’t have the beginning things with us. It was in my bag since I forgot to bring them that day since I was in a rush. I did review the scenes afterwards just to make sure that everything made sense and worked perfectly. Do you need go by fast for me since I already memorized my parts and planned how everything would go. And since I just got home I just decided to add everything to Capcut so I can edit tomorrow. Filming was definitely a success for me and the others today!
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Hey blog as said before I was unable to film for quite a while because I was sick. well once I came back my partner and I worked on a new set of plans. Were still going to incorporate the filming from different places in certain scenes but just differently. Firstly I had to show what I had filmed so far and what needed to be changed. since originally the 3 of us were supposed to walk in together the same idea is still pending. I had to go over my angles from where I chose record from, and think whether I should change it or not. I am choosing to refilm it, and that isn't really a big deal for me since its a quick 6-12 second clip. I had to adjust my schedule to where I could meet with everyone and make everything work when it comes to the filming. One of our actresses are unable to meet with us so we'll have to replace her. I do know people capable and available for the position so that delay is being dealt with. Along with that I am choosing to make our booking boards from scratch and not order sine were on a time limit. I could have gotten it for spring break but since I was out of country nobody would be home to receive it. Execution wise, I can make it work the delays weren't as drastic so making up filming isn't a big issue. I brought forth the idea of editing along the way of filming, so whenever there's a scene filmed we can automatically start editing. this will well appease to our time limit and get things done faster. I already got somewhat of a head start while I was home sick and I'm encouraging the others to do so as well. I'll also make our supporting actress send me her scene so I can edit that as well and tweak anything that need to be updated. At the moment there are a couple changes but no
thing to extreme that we aren't in the process of being handled :)
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Filming delay
getting the rest of our props
Monday, March 7, 2022
Music decision
Hey blog I was wondering what type of background music I wanted to add to our video. After weighing out my options, I ended up choosing just royalty free music. Initially the plan was to have some form of rap music in the beginning and them to transition into background sounds and royalty free music at the end. These days a lot of movies are starting to incorporate rap music in their movies. Some great examples of new to the scene movies containing rap music would be the hate you give, how high, black panther etc. Adding it would have type and interesting and being that are burglars and might are females we could have used female rap artists. Ranging from either well-known female rappers from the past like Queen latifah or new upcoming rappers like lakeya. But after putting it into perspective, the time it will take to find a specific song and alternatives just in case would take time. Not only that but then trying to get in touch with the readers music artist's team would take too much time that we don't have. Royalty free music is easily accessible for both me and my partner and does it have any major difference from the other. Settling for more of a suspenseful mood type of music will do us more justice. Keeping it similar to many well-known and old crime movies. So far as for our Rosie free music I've fan for options that I feel would work perfectly with each other. I could have two choices playing the beginning to add the suspense and worry and use the other two throughout. I did some research on some possibly good royalty free music and I found 'before nightfall' , 'covert affairs' , 'when you're in the dark' , and also 'the unveiling'. Knowing without filming is going to go and how the scenes are set up these four work good and grabbing the audiences attention. Even though we wasn't planning on using music for the interrogation using one of these options would really bring out the crime sense in our clips. As of Right now these are our music choices, and I'm content with the possibilities that I've chosen. It
‘Domino affect’ in action!!
(Re-upload) Well today we finished up everything and wrapped up our video. I truly enjoyed working on this project and researching the di...

"A Group of girls make a bad decision which lands them in a interrogation room" It would be interested in making this film becaus...
Common Camera Angles in Drama Films? -A close up is used to emphasize the expression on a persons face or to make it clear that the object...
Hey blog, recently I was supposed to start filming along with my partner but their were some complications along the way. I haven’t been fee...